• You've got me.
    I've got you.
    We've got this!

    A weight loss psychologist?  I know, I know.  But just hear me out.

    You’ve been on a million diets, and you’ve lost (and then found) many pounds over the course of your life.  You know “what to do”…and that’s what makes this so frustrating.  It feels like whenever you start to get some traction, something happens and suddenly you are right back where you started. So, maybe you’re starting to wonder whether it might not be about the food at all.

    No one seems to get it.  Just eat less and exercise, they say.  Sometimes you don’t understand it yourself; you are used to putting your mind to something and getting it done.  This is different somehow.  And you’re not sure you have the strength to try and fail again.

    Sound familiar? I feel you. I’ve been there. I know what it’s like to have that love-hate relationship with food, eating, and your body. But I promise – there is hope. And it doesn’t lie in some weird juicing concoction.  Instead, the ingredients include a serving of courage, a tablespoon of strategy, and a drizzle of support.  That’s where our journey together begins.