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    About Me

    Hi – I’m Katie – licensed psychologist by day, an avid watcher of reality television by night.  As an undergrad at Duke University, I had a transformative experience that pulled me out of the pre-med track and into the psychology department…and I’ve never looked back.  After getting my PhD at University of Florida (Go Gators!), I returned to Duke for my residency, which included a rotation through Structure House, a psychologically-oriented weight loss retreat.  I loved it so much that I stayed on as a post-doc, then as a staff psychologist, and then in 2018 they asked little old me to steer the ship as Chief Executive Officer.  After a few years in administration, I made the decision to return to my real love – helping people, one by one, become the best versions of themselves.  You can check out my CV here for the fine print if you’re curious!

    I do things a little differently…

    This isn’t your garden variety therapy where we sit together for an hour and then you are alone through the week.

    After all, it’s every day – not just once a week – that you’re dealing with it all.  That craving that won’t give up.  The infuriating text message. The nagging thought that kept you awake all night.

    You don’t think you can wait until your session to get some relief…and now you don’t have to.

    The idea for PocketDoc (daily touchpoints) came to me years ago when I first started out as a therapist.  I recognized that there is so much value in utilizing real-time challenges, set-backs, and victories simply as data in this crazy experiment we call life.

    Having a trained eye in your corner, to make sense of the “why’s”, “how’s”, and the “what’s next”, can be the difference between staying stuck and becoming the best version of YOU.

    Learn More

    Reach out to me today!

    Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
    I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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